Formacja sumienia: działania pedagogiczne czy pertraktacje?
After a short historical draft of the pillarized Dutch society and
the praxis of the formation of conscience in the time of „Rich
Roman Catholic Life”, a picture is made of the once tolerant and
in the meantime extremely secularized Netherlands, which is
often called a leading country in political and ethical issues and
an experimental garden of religiosity.
Next the focus is on evil in our time. The conception of sin and
awareness of guilt have changed in the previous decades under
the influence of secularization and individualization.
The question is now aggravated to the experience of evil and
the formation of conscience in the subculture of youth. A glance
is taken at their world of the Internet and TV, of chatting on the
Net and video clips on the music channels MTV and TMF. There
is the question of the relation between violence and sex in the
media and youth’s behaviour.
Finally, this leads to the question as to what the formation of
conscience means nowadays. The formation of conscience is an
important aspect of upbringing. And this can be done in various
ways: in the way of passing on cultural achievements, in the way
of allowing what is present in the educandus to develop, in the
way of the communicative exchange of ideas and in the way of
active presence close to the educandus, which seems to be the
most proper way in this modern world and time
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