Sumienie jako własność i wyróżnik osoby w jej procesie rozwoju
The presented text is an attempt to understand the sense of
conscience through the description of its manifestations in the
whole dynamics of development, adolescence, upbringing, and
also going astray, regression and suppression throughout person’s
life as well as in the entirety of his experiences. The
phenomenon of conscience revealing itself in the direct experience
as a „voice”, „talking” with warning or accusation because of
the intended or already done evil turns out to be pain, complaint,
suffering of the heart because of the damage or failure to do
good. When undertaken (heard) by a person, it can prompt
reflection and willingness to improve one’s life, since it creates,
together with the whole sphere of cognitive experiences and will,
moral awareness. The voice of conscience requires, as its
foundation, cognitive acts of awareness and the knowledge of
good and evil built in this manner, of moral obligations and one’s own attitude towards them, the ability to formulate judgements concerning one’s own actions and other people, as well as theability to translate general moral principles and use them in a particular situation. It also requires a general insight into values an axiological sensitivity.
Copyright (c) 2017 Horyzonty Wychowania

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