Pedagog wobec pluralizmu współczesnych teorii wychowania
The main problem undertaken by the author is presenting
a pedagogue facing pluralism of contemporary theories of education.
The author wonders what a teacher who is confronted
with multitude of pedagogical theories should do, how to pull
himself together in the world of chaos and disorder, where pedagogical
approaches and orientations are competing witch one
another, not eliminating anything at the beginning. The author
refers to the metaphor of „hypermarket and labyrinth”. Both
metaphors illustrate the world of pedagogy resembling a similar
mass of theories, ideas and philosophies. It is the supermarkets
that attempt to make the choice of diverse knowledge („goods”)
available to society. Hypermarket becomes a peculiar kind of
labyrinth, a territory where customers should skilfully get around.
Therefore, a question arises: How can pedagogue entangled
into the metaphor of hypermarket of theories of education avoid
enslavement? The author thinks that he may simply not read, not
study. He may adopt a critical attitude in the face of „catches”
hidden in various theories. Finally, he may also look into his own
pedagogical consciousness thoroughly, analyze his own rationality,
think about knowledge he needs. The author thus states
that pedagogues are faced with the task of reading, classifying
and comparing a multitude of theories so that they can adopt
those most valuable and so that they are able to make use of
them in the process of education.
Copyright (c) 2017 Horyzonty Wychowania

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