Kulturotwórczy i polityczny wymiar działalności edukacyjnej
The reflection upon broadly understood education, its premises
and aims to be achieved, as well as the ways in which they
are specified, is the reflection upon all that society lives and feeds
on, and aims at. Therefore, it is also the reflection on how society
comprehends its common good and the way it shall be realised.
This fact provides the reason for education including, essentially,
two dimensions: culture-creating and political.
Their specification, in the sphere of education, is naturally
orbiting around the openly or secretly suggested ideal of man and
citizen desired by a given society, or its particular group in power,
influencing the process of defining educational aims and their
ways of realisation.
The reflections presented in this article do not aspire to exhaust
the entire issue of culture-creating and political dimension
of educational activity, but merely to bring out some, in our opinion
important, traits. They also want to become an invitation to
the reflection upon education and challenges it faces in the context
of a broader debate over the shape of Poland in the process
of democratisation, uniting Europe and the world exposed to the
processes of globalisation.
Copyright (c) 2017 Horyzonty Wychowania
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