Tożsamość człowieka z etycznego punktu widzenia
Taking up the subject of man’s identity from ethical point of
view, the author, to begin with, explains the concept of „identity”
from various points of view as presented by various scientific
disciplines: psychology, marxist philosophy, christian philosophy.
As a consequence, he distinguishes „essential identity”, fundamental
for ethical reflections of the subject and man’s „individual
identity”. Elaborating on the issue, according to christian philosophy,
he defines man as a „human being”, who is the dynamic
subject of his own rational activity. Then, the author deals with
the problem of freedom as a category which determines his
identity. Psychological freedom, the basic one, makes man reach
decisions about acting or non-acting, about the choice between
right and wrong, which leads to the tense ambivalence in choice.
However, only moral perception of freedom makes that man,
ascending in transcendental sphere, aims for perfection, modelled
on the objective order of moral values rooted in rational
nature. This is how human freedom assumes a form of moral
freedom based on moral order full of nobleness and stability. It is
also how the essence of man’s identity is expressed. The author
ends with a statement that: „Closer to objective truth is the conception
of man creating his own individual identity through creative
moral deeds, according to their objective exemplars, rather
than via the spirit of philosophical existentialism, searching for
identity in the world deprived of moral signposts”.
Copyright (c) 2017 Horyzonty Wychowania
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