Creating a New Healthcare System in the Middle East: the Case of Private Healthcare Providers in Kurdistan
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main goal of this explorative study is to investigate the public perception of private healthcare providers in Kurdistan region in Iraq. Moreover, the research aims to test the questionnaire and research technique (face-to-face) interviews in terms of their usefulness and adequacy for a further representative survey, which is planned in the upcoming years.
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is to analyze patients’ perception and satisfaction from healthcare services offered by private hospitals in Kurdistan region of Iraq.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Developing countries have an increasing difficulty in providing cheap and effective healthcare sector for the entire society. In this regard, the autonomous regions like Kurdistan are in a doublydisadvantaged position, as they have to overcome the problems of poor infrastructure, while designing a new health system, at the same time struggling with military conflict with ISIL.
RESEARCH RESULT: The research result show surprising gaps in public knowledge about the private hospitals and their healthcare service quality. The study finds, among other, that the easiest way to improve patients’ satisfaction is to improve hygiene and cleaning standards in private hospitals. Although these findings are purely explorative, they should be taken into the account when designing a research project which should produce representative, reliable findings for the entire region.
CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: As there is no alternative to increase of the role of private providers in Kurdistan region, the regional authorities should monitor the quality of healthcare services offered by both public and private providers to ensure a reasonable standard of healthcare system. Thus, the further studies on healthcare market in Kurdistan should include comparisons between private and public providers.
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