Etyka publikacyjna



The Academic Publishing House of the Ignatianum University in Crakow and the editorial board of the journal do their best to introduce and update generally accepted publishing standards and follow good publishing practices in accordance with the policies of the Committee on Publication Ethics.


Conflicts of interest

(1) All conflicts of interest between members of the editorial board, authors and reviewers are eliminated.

(2) Authors and reviewers are required to declare potential conflicts of interest that may affect the credibility of the publication.

(3) Members of the editorial board work in accordance with ethical standards and do not succumb to commercial influence.

(4) The Editorial College reads the submitted articles and makes decisions based on impartiality, objectivity and the desire to contribute to publishing high quality articles.


The editor/editorial board is obliged to:

  • ensure fair and substantive reviews;
  • share articles without author details (double-anonymous)
  • select reviewers who are employed by institutions other than that of the author of the publication;
  • disclose possible conflicts of interest resulting from competition, collaboration, or other relationships and connections with each of the authors, institutions, and companies associated with articles being submitted for publication; if such situations arise, the editor should instead ask the co-editors or other members of the editorial board to review the article;   
  • require all contributors including guest/subject editors to disclose material conflicts of competing interests and issue retractions when conflicting interests are disclosed after the article has been published; if necessary, other appropriate action should be taken, such as withdrawal of publication or issuance of a retraction;
  • assure that advertising, reprinting or other commercial income of the journal does not influence decisions in the editorial process;




1 Any form of plagiarism is unacceptable.  

(2) If plagiarism is detected when the text is first checked by the subject editor (internal review) or during external reviews, the article is rejected.  

3 The editors use the iThenticate anti-plagiarism program.

4 The journal’s content is indexed by CrossRef. Each article has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for an electronic document.

(5) If ethical violations of misconduct in research or publication are suspected, the journal’s editors will conduct an investigation. If necessary, the editorial board of the journal reserves the right to contact the authors’ institutions, funding entities or regulatory bodies.   

(6) In the case of suspected or alleged misconduct, an investigation procedure will be carried out in accordance with ethical principles.

If evidence of misconduct is discovered, the journal’s editorial board will take the steps described below to make changes, which may include correcting the text or retracting it.


Anti-plagiarism procedure: 

  • suspicion of plagiarism

  • suspicion of self-plagiarism


Procedure against data manipulation:

  • suspicion of data manipulation


Procedure for authorship and co-authorship:

  • add/remove author before publishing



General information

A review is an opinion on an article by experts in the subject matter of the article. 

  • Reviewers are not members of the journal’s editorial team.
  • Each scientific article undergoes a review procedure (parametric assessment and qualitative assessment).
  • The review is double-anonymous: the identity of the reviewer is not visible to the author, the identity of the author is not visible to the reviewer, the identity of the reviewer and the author is visible to the editor (subject editor, chief editor).


Ethical guidelines and rules for reviewers


  • The review process is managed by the journal secretary in consultation with the subject editor of the issue and the editor-in-chief. The reviewers are selected according to the criterion of their competence being compatible with the subject of the article.
  • In the first stage of the review procedure, the editorial board carries out a preliminary assessment (Editorial Review). It concerns the formal aspects and compliance of the article’s content with the journal’s profile, correct input of metadata and text checking in the anti-plagiarism system (iThenticate). The outcome of this assessment is communicated to the author. If any corrections are required, the author is expected to make the relevant revisions in accordance with the guidelines within the indicated timeframe. Once the formal (and substantive) aspects of the manuscript are properly addressed, the article is sent to two reviewers.
  • The reviewers are selected on the basis of their substantive and ethical qualifications. The reviewer should be an expert in the field, with significant academic achievements, and have no conflict of interest (professional, personal relations) with the author.
  • The reviewer should confirm in the journal’s OJS system that he or she has accepted or rejected to review the paper. If he or she has agreed to write the review then he or she should read the manuscript and complete the review form by the deadline, selecting one recommendation from the list provided. The recommendation should be consistent with the comments made in the text. If the reviewer has selected the “Resubmit for Review” recommendation, it means that he or she has requested that a revised version be submitted to him or her for a second review and has thus committed to carrying it out.
  • The reviewer prepares the review based on the review form, which is made available to him or her on the journal’s OJS platform, or the reviewer can attach a file with his or her own review, which, however, should contain information in accordance with the journal’s editorial guidelines.
  • The reviewer should follow the journal’s instructions for writing and posting reviews. The reviewer should be objective and constructive in his or her review, and provide feedback to help the author(s) improve the manuscript (peer review dialogue). He or she should be specific in his or her critical comments and provide evidence to support general statements to help editors evaluate them. The reviewer should be professional and refrain from hostile and provocative statements as well as from defamatory or derogatory personal comments or unfounded accusations.
  • The reviewer’s task is to assess the quality and scientific rigor of the manuscript he or she has received. If the text is not clear due to the absence of some analysis, the reviewer should comment on this and indicate what additional analysis would have made the article clearer. The reviewer’s task is not to expand the paper beyond its current content/scope. He or she should indicate which (if any) suggested additional studies are necessary to substantiate the claims made in the manuscript and which will only strengthen or expand those claims.
  • In evaluating the manuscript, the reviewer is required to be impartial and not to be influenced by considerations of nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender or other characteristics of the authors based on the subject matter of the article, the origin of the manuscript or commercial motives.
  • If there is a conflict of interest that may prevent the reviewer from submitting a fair and unbiased review, he or she should notify the journal and seek advice. While waiting for a response, the reviewer should not read the manuscript and related materials in case the review request is withdrawn. If the reviewer lacks the necessary expertise to assess relevant aspects of the manuscript, he or she should also notify the editors so as not to unnecessarily prolong the review process.
  • If the reviewer guesses the identity of the author(s), he or she should notify the journal if this knowledge potentially creates a conflict of interest (double-anonymous, double-anonymous review).
  • The reviewer should maintain confidentiality in the review process, that is, he or she should not use the information obtained during the review process to benefit himself or herself or another person or to discredit anyone. He or she should not involve anyone else in the review of the manuscript (including novice researchers who they are mentoring) without first obtaining permission from the journal’s editors. If a reviewer wishes to appoint a co-reviewer, he or she should inform the editor-in-chief or the editorial secretary, who may invite additional people to join the review.
  • Any confidentiality that is provided during the review process should be preserved, maintained and protected even after publication, unless the relevant parties agree to waive such confidentiality.
  • After completing the review and sending the recommendation to the editorial board, the reviewer receives confirmation that the review has been accepted and completed (certificate) and is included in the annual list of reviewers on the journal’s website.
  • If a reviewer suspects irregularities in the research or publication process, he or she should immediately inform the editors. For example, he or she may have concerns that irregularities occurred either during the research or during the writing and submission of the manuscript, or he or she may notice significant similarities between the manuscript and an article submitted simultaneously to another journal or a published article. The reviewer should contact the journal editors directly for these or any other ethical issues. It is appropriate to cooperate confidentially with the journal instead of investigating on your own, unless the journal requests additional information or advice.
  • In case of discrepancies between the reviewers’ recommendations, a third super-reviewer may be appointed, whose opinion helps the editorial board make a final decision.


Processing of reviews

  • The editors reserve the right to reject an article at any stage of the review process in case of serious doubts or an unfavorable review. An article may be rejected because of lack of relevance to the journal’s subject area, because of formal deficiencies, negative review or evaluation by the anti-plagiarism system.
  • The final decision to publish a given article is made by the journal’s editors.
  • In ambiguous cases, the final decision is made by the Editor-in-chief.
  • Only scholarly articles, review articles and reviews are reviewed. Editorials, conference reports, etc. do not undergo the review process.
  • The alphabetical list of reviewers for the year is available on the journal’s website at the end of the year.
  • After receiving the reviews, the author is obliged to respond to them by making corrections or providing a convincing substantive justification of his/her position (in appropriate correspondence addressed to the editorial office through the OJS system, e.g., in a discussion or by email).
  • The decision to accept the article for publication is made after the reviews have been discussed and the positions of the author, reviewers and editors have been reconciled and agreed upon.
  • Once the author submits an article, the journal does not guarantee that the article will be accepted for publication.
  • Each article includes information about the date of submission, the date of acceptance of the text for publication and the date of publication. In addition, it includes information about the sources of financial support for the research/project to which the article relates.
  • The reviewer has direct contact with the editorial board, which mediates between the author and the reviewer.
  • The confidential review model has been adopted, so no information about the review process is published.


Internal review form (template)

External review form (template)

Instructions for reviewers (PDF)





Originality of the article/text


Submitting an article/text to the OJS means that the study has not been previously published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that the publication has been approved by all authors, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English without written permission from the Publisher. Articles which are used at least in part in another publication by the same author, previously published or submitted for publication, may not be published in the journal. It is unacceptable to submit materials that violate third-party copyrights or legal rights in any way. The author assumes full ethical and legal responsibility for breaching these terms or misleading the Editor or Publisher. The author(s) shall submit an appropriate statement about the originality of the article/text.


Statement for author(s) (template)


Definition of authorship

An author/co-author is a person who makes a significant contribution to an article/text and takes responsibility for the study and its representation in the published paper. 


Responsibility of authors and contact person

The main contact person, the so-called correspondence author, is responsible for the text and correspondence in the publication process and also approves the revisions of the article.

The correspondence author should make sure that he or she is authorized to act on behalf of all co-authors in matters pertaining to publication, including supplementary materials. The correspondence author is in charge of informing the co-authors about the status of the article during the submission, review and publication process. In addition, he or she also acts as a point of contact for any inquiries after the article has been published. 


Contribution of individual authors  

In the case of articles authored by two or more contributors, the authors are requested to submit an electronic statement that includes information on each author’s contribution to: developing the concept, designing the objectives and methods, conducting the research, analyzing the results and drawing conclusions.


Funding for research/journal publication project

Authors are required to disclose the sources of research funding. The following information is required: name of the funding institution, name of the grant, contract number and/or grant identifier. In the case of commercial funding, the role of the funder must be described.

All sources of financial support for the research/project to which the article relates should be obligatorily disclosed and identified in the publication. 


Recognition of non-authors

Care should always be taken to acknowledge the work/contribution of others (so-called non-authors) in the publication by including relevant information in the article (e.g., footnote). This applies to situations such as commissioned research and information obtained from unpublished dissertations that are the work of non-authors. In such cases, when there are other persons (non-authors) who participated in certain relevant aspects of the published research project, they should be indicated in the  article.


Conflict of interest

Authors are required to submit an electronic statement to the OJS about the presence or absence of conflicts of interest when submitting their text for publication. If, in their opinion, the positions they hold may affect or may be considered by third parties to affect their objectivity, they shall submit such a statement to the editors (e.g., employment at a given institution, paid representation of an institution as, for example, an expert, or use of funds of a given institution).

Authors are required to indicate the source of funding, participation in a project or lack of funding in the OJS system.



Sources of funding for the journal

Access to the articles published in the journal is free of charge. Sources of funding for the journal are university/publisher grants and Ministry programs indicated on the journal’s website.

The journal does not engage in advertising/sale of advertising space in its publications. 


Publication fees


The journal does not charge fees for the publishing process (Article Processing Charges, APCs) and for text acceptance (submission charge) – the review process. There is no charge for the editing and publication of articles. Authors are not required to pay an article submission fee. 



Open access policy


The journal is published on an Open Access basis so that its resources can be used freely, while respecting the authors’ copyrights. Thus, readers are obliged to follow the common rules of source citation and quotation as in the case of publication in printed form.

As of 2022, the journal is published only in electronic (online) version.



  1. When submitting an article, the author declares that he/she is the author of the article (hereinafter referred to as the Work) and has exclusive and unlimited copyright to the Work, is entitled to dispose of the copyright to the Work.
  2. The submitted texts must be original, previously unpublished and must not be simultaneously undergoing the submission procedure in other journals. If this rule is found to be violated, the editors reserve the right to withdraw from cooperation with the author.
  3. The list of authors of the Work should include all persons who made a significant contribution to the conception, development of objectives and methods, and carrying out of the research, analysis of results and formulation of conclusions.
  4. The author grants Ignatianum University in Cracow a royalty-free, non-exclusive, territory-unlimited license to use the Work in the following fields of exploitation: 
  • recording of the Work in paper form, as well as on digital or magnetic media;
  • reproduction of the Work by any technique, without limitation of the number of editions and the number of copies;
  • distributing the Work and its reproduced copies in any medium, including marketing, sale, lending, and rental;
  • introducing the Work into computer memory;
  • distributing the Work in information networks, including the Internet;
  • performing, exhibiting, displaying, reproducing, as well as broadcasting and rebroadcasting the work to the public, as well as making the work available to the public in such a way that everyone can have access to it at a place and time of their own choosing;
  • in terms of subsidiary rights to the work, including, in particular, the right to make necessary changes to the work, resulting from editorial and methodological guidelines, as well as to translate the work into foreign languages.
  1. The license is granted upon transfer of the Work to Ignatianum University in Cracow. Ignatianum University in Cracow is entitled to grant further sublicenses to the Work, within the scope of the right granted. The license is time-limited and is granted for a period of 15 years from the date of its granting.
  2. Ignatianum University in Cracow agrees and encourages authors to publish their text online (e.g., in the institution’s repository or on its website) as this may lead to an increase in citations of the published text (See The Effect of Open Access). It is recommended to use any of the following research association portals:
  • ResearchGate
  • SSRN
  • edu
  • Selected Works
  • Academic Search
  1. Adding or removing a co-author after the text has been submitted requires the author to provide a detailed explanation of the reasons for the change and the written consent of each author to the change. Consent should be sent to the editor’s email address. The article will be processed if the authorship issues are agreed upon to the satisfaction of all concerned parties.



Copyright and license 

The articles are published under the terms of Creative Commons
Attribution - NoDerivs (CC BY- ND 4.0).


This means that articles may be shared, copied and distributed in any medium and format, and adopted, remixed, for any purpose even for commercial purposes under the condition that the authorship is acknowledged and without any additional restrictions.

Acknowledgment of authorship consists of providing, respectively, the author of the work, a link to the license and an indication of whether changes have been made to the work. No additional restrictions can be imposed such as legal conditions or technological solutions that restrict others from using the content used.

Details of the CC BY- ND 4.0 license rules can be found here:




Conflict of interest/conflicting interests

A conflict of interest occurs when there are economic, business, or personal relationships between authors, reviewers, or members of the editorial team that may affect the description of research findings, the evaluation of the text, or the decision-making process for the publication of the text in the journal Horyzonty Wychowania. Causes of conflicts of interest can also include the participation of the mentioned persons in joint projects, the authorship of joint publications in the past, or professional or political rivalries. Any/all author(s), reviewer(s) or member(s) of the editorial team who have any conflict of interest are required to report this fact to the editor-in-chief of the journal.

The following procedure is used to identify conflicts of interest in Horyzonty Wychowania:



The reviewer is required to:

- submit a statement of absence of conflict of interest (on the OJS platform, in electronic form before agreeing to perform the review);

- withdraw from performing the review in a situation where there is a conflict of interest due to rivalry, cooperation or other relationship or other connection with the author of the text. Authors, editors and reviewers should adhere to the principles of good publication ethics. Fraudulent or knowingly provided inaccurate and vague information in author/authors’ statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.


The authors bear legal and ethical responsibility for the views expressed in the articles. The publisher and the journal are not legally responsible in the event of compensation claims in this regard.

In managing potential author disputes, the journal follows COPE guidelines:


In the case of suspected violations of ethical principles regarding the research or publication, the journal’s editors will conduct an investigation. If necessary, the journal’s editors reserve the right to contact the authors’ institutions, funding entities or regulatory bodies.

In the event of suspected or alleged misconduct, an investigation procedure will be followed in accordance with ethical principles. If evidence of misconduct is discovered, the journal’s editors will make appropriate decisions and take action to make changes, which may include correcting the text, retracting it or publishing an appropriate errata.


Appeals and Complaints. Policy and process

The procedure applies to appeals of editorial decisions, complaints about process irregularities such as long delays in processing papers, and complaints about publication ethics. 

Appeals and complaints should first be handled by the editor-in-chief in charge of the journal and/or the subject editor who was in charge of the article. 


Complaints about the scientific content, such as an appeal against the rejection of the article

The editor-in-chief and/or subject editor considers the authors’ arguments, and decides whether:
- the decision on rejection should be upheld,

- another independent opinion (review) is required,

- the appeal should be considered.

The complainant is informed of the decision with the reasons, if appropriate. Decisions on appeals are final, and new submissions have priority over appeals.


Complaints about processes, such as the time it takes to review the article 

The editor-in-chief together with the subject editor (if applicable) will investigate the case. The complainant will receive appropriate feedback. Feedback is provided to relevant stakeholders to improve publishing processes and procedures.


Complaints about publication ethics, such as the behavior of a researcher, author or reviewer

The editor-in-chief or the lead editor follows the guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics. The editor-in-chief or the lead editor may ask the publisher for advice on difficult or complicated matters. He or she may also seek independent and legal advice.

The editor-in-chief or managing editor decides how to proceed and provides feedback to the complainant. 

For more information, see:




The editors ensure the confidentiality and security of authors’ personal data. In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Official Journal of the European Union) hereinafter GDPR and in connection with the Act of May 10, 2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1000), we inform you that:

  1. The Administrator of the personal data is Ignatianum University in Cracow at 26 Kopernika Street, 31-501 Krakow.
  2. Personal data is processed only for the purpose of the publishing process and dissemination of publications.
  3. The legal basis for processing personal data is Article 6(1)(a) and Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR.
  4. Providing personal data is:
  • voluntary for using the content of open access journals on the OJS platform of the journal;
  • necessary if you wish to participate in the electronic publishing process (submit texts for publication with the rights of authors, carry out work related to the functions of subject editor, section editor, technical editor, reviewer, and DTP specialist) and create an account with the rights of a reader in order to obtain information about newly published issues.
  1. Personal data of users on the rights of readers may be deleted by the Administrator at any time after the user’s request.
  2. Personal data shall be processed by authorized employees only for the purpose referred to in Section 2.
  3. Data are kept for the period necessary for the above purposes and required by law.
  4. Under the terms of the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to access the content of your data, to rectify, erase, limit processing, as well as to transfer data – in cases provided by law, the right to object to data processing and the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority – the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, if the processing of your personal data violates the provisions on personal data protection.


General information

  1. The operator of the Website is Ignatianum University Krakow.
  2. The service obtains information about users and their behavior in the following ways:
  • through information voluntarily entered in forms;
  • by storing cookies on end devices;
  • by collecting web server logs.


Information in the forms

  1. The service collects information that is voluntarily provided by the user.
  2. In addition, the service can save information about the connection parameters (time stamp, IP address).
  3. The data in the form are not shared with third parties other than with the consent of the user.
  4. The data provided in the form may be a collection of potential customers, registered by the service operator in the register kept by the General Inspector of Personal Data Protection.
  5. The data provided in the form is processed for the purpose resulting from the function of the specific form, such as service request process or sales contact.
  6. The data provided in the forms may be transferred to entities technically performing certain services; in particular, this applies to the transfer of information about the holder of the registered domain to entities that are operators of Internet domains (primarily the Scientific and Academic Computer Network NASK), payment services or other entities with which the service operator cooperates in this regard.


Information about cookies

  1. The website uses cookies.
  2. Cookies are IT data in particular text files, which are stored on the website user’s terminal equipment and are intended for use on the website. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, the time they are stored on the end device and a unique number.
  3. The operator of the website is the entity placing cookies on the website user’s terminal equipment and accessing them.
  4. Cookies are used for the following purposes:
  • creating statistics that help to understand how the website users use the websites, which allows improving their structure and content;
  • maintenance of the site user’s session (after logging in), thanks to which the user does not have to re-enter his/her login and password on each sub-page of the site;
  • determining the profile of the user in order to display customized materials in advertising networks, in particular Google networks.
  1. The site uses two main types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary files that are stored on the user’s end device until the user logs out, leaves the website or shuts down the software (web browser). Persistent cookies are stored on the user’s end device for the time specified in the parameters of the cookies or until they are deleted by the user.
  2. Web browsing software (web browser) usually allows the storage of cookies on the user’s terminal device by default. Users of the site can change their settings accordingly. The web browser makes it possible to delete cookies. It is also possible to automatically block cookies. The help or documentation of the Internet browser contains detailed information on this subject.
  3. Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some of the functionality available on the website.
  4. Cookies that are placed on the website user’s end device and may also be used by advertisers and partners cooperating with the website operator.
  5. We recommend reading the privacy policies of these companies to learn about the use of cookies used in statistics: Google Analytics Privacy Policy.
  6. Cookies may be used by advertising networks, in particular the Google network, to display ads tailored to the way the user uses the site. For this purpose, they may retain information about the user’s navigation path or how long the user stayed on a particular page.
  7. Regarding the information about user preferences collected by the Google advertising network, the user can view and edit the information resulting from cookies using the tool:


Server logs

  1. Information about some user behavior is subject to logging in the servers. This data is used exclusively for the administration of the site and to ensure the most efficient operation of the hosting services.
  2. The resources that are viewed are identified by URLs. In addition, the following may be recorded:

- time of arrival of the request,

- time of sending the response,

- the name of the client’s station – identification made through the HTTP protocol,

- information about errors that occurred during HTTP transactions,

- URL address of the page previously visited by the user (referrer link) - in case the service was accessed through a link,

- information about the user’s browser,

- IP address information.


  1. The above data is not associated with specific browsers.


  1. The above data is used only for server administration purposes.


Data sharing

(1) The data shall be made available to external entities only within the limits of the law.

(2) Data enabling the identification of an individual shall be made available only with the consent of that person.

(3) The Administrator may have an obligation to provide information collected by the Website to authorized bodies on the basis of lawful requests in the scope resulting from the request.