Dynamika ciała w kulturze wizerunku

  • Mariola Flis profesor nadzwyczajny w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim, dziekan Wydziału Filozofi cznego UJ i kierownik Zakładu Antropologii Społecznej w Instytucie Socjologii UJ. Obszar zainteresowań badawczych: fi lozofi a i socjologia kultury, antropologia społeczna, historia idei, kognitywistyka


This article responds to the question: What elements of the culture of image dynamize the body as a value? Following in the footsteps of the German philosopher, Helmuth Plessner, I start from eccentric positionality, which is the fundamental structure of human existence. It allows for the formulation of the law of the utopian centre, which states that man has always aimed at the absolute although its full realization is impossible. It further assumes that thinking is a systemic principle for which the body is a carrier, especially of a form which we label cultural identity. Hence, the body comprises the signifi cant part of the identity project, which is inscribed in the broader cultural context. I assert that the culture-creating activity of man is anchored in a very human ability to perceive the world as a symbol, i.e. symbolic projection. Considering the dynamics of the body we must also consider the aesthetic index since the symbolic function of language becomes real in discourse; it is a linguistic occurrence, or the use of language
How to Cite
Flis, M. (2017). Dynamika ciała w kulturze wizerunku. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 7(14), 99-115. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/1054