Narcissistic attitudes among scientists

  • Magdalena Szpunar Jagiellonian University Institute of Journalism Media and Social Communication
Keywords: narcissism, academics, symbolic violence, commodification of the unit hiper-competitiveness


PURPOSE OF RESEARCH: The purpose of this article is to identify the causes of narcissistic attitudes observable among academics. The author draws attention to sourcesof the both types of the  narcissism : an endogenous and an exogenous.

PROBLEM AND RESEARCH METHODS: Research issues presented in this article are exploratory. They come to attempt to answer the question: Which endogenous and exogenous factors play a dominant role in shaping the narcissistic attitudes of academic teachers? The research method is based on literature studies, nut also based on exploration, description, and also attempts to explain the analyzed phenomenon.

REASONING PROCESS: The article consists of five main parts. The first of these presents the specificity symbolic violence typical for the didactics. Next presents the criteria for the diagnosis of narcissism and mechanisms of commodification of scientists. Attention was also drawn to the recognition treated as an indicator of the scientific position and the processes associated with the omnipotence of the master.

SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS RESULTS: The author indicates that in the case of narcissism observable among scientists we have to deal with a number of factors both endo- and egogenous that determine its prevalence among scientists.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: Presented phenomenon is practically absent in the Polish scientific discourse concerning the sphere of science. Some attempts to unmask the work of academics can be found at Pierre Bourdieu's, but they are

Author Biography

Magdalena Szpunar, Jagiellonian University Institute of Journalism Media and Social Communication

Magdalena Szpunar, doktor habilitowany nauk społecznych w zakresie socjologii, specjalizacja: nauki o mediach, medioznawstwo, socjologia internetu.

Autorka ponad 130 artykułów z zakresu socjologii internetu, medioznawstwa i metodologii badań internetowych. Autorka książek: "Kultura cyfrowego narcyzmu" (2016), "Nowe-stare medium. Internet między tworzeniem nowych modeli komunikacyjnych a reprodukowaniem schematów komunikowania masowego" (2012), "Społeczne konteksty nowych mediów" (2011), "W stronę nowych mediów" (2010) oraz "Internet w procesie realizacji badań" (2010). Redaktor naukowy trzech publikacji zbiorowych "Media a Polityka", "Media - między władzą a społeczeństwem", "Paradoksy internetu. Konteksty społeczno-kulturowe".


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How to Cite
Szpunar, M. (2017). Narcissistic attitudes among scientists. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 16(39), 47-58.