O odwadze bycia bezsilnym

  • Mariusz Sztuka Mariusz Sztuka, ur. 1968, doktor nauk humanistycznych, adiunkt w Instytucie Pedagogiki UJ oraz w WSFP Ignatianum, członek redakcji „Horyzontów Wychowania”. W latach 1992-1998 wychowawca w zakładzie penitencjarnym.


The article takes up the issue of control as a category of explaining behaviours of deviant character. Refl ection to date as well as research achievements within this scope have situated the concept of control in the context of social system functioning, or reduced it to certain personal characteristics, generally described as a sense of perpetration. On the grounds of popular associations, these characteristics are connected with such traits as: self-control, strong character, will power, thus constituting the condition for self-education activities, including self-correction activities. Attempts to apply such viewpoint for the analysis of complex educational and corrective situations consistently frequently encounter a substantial obstacle, defi ned here as a paradox of control, which is that conviction about the ability to control one’s own situation may entail as many opportunities as dangers
How to Cite
Sztuka, M. (2017). O odwadze bycia bezsilnym. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 5(10), 135-158. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/1114