O godności w polityce

  • Hanna Suchocka Hanna Suchocka, ur. 3 kwietnia 1946 roku w Pleszewie. Radca prawny, nauczyciel akademicki, polityk. Doktor prawa na Uniwersytecie Adama Mickiewicza. W latach 1968-1984 członek Stronnictwa Demokratycznego, posłanka na sejm w latach 1980-1985. W latach 1989-1991 posłanka OKP. Od roku 1991 członek Unii Demokratycznej, współzałożycielka Unii Wolności. W latach 1992-1993 premier Polski. W latach 1997-2000 Minister Sprawiedliwości. W 1999 roku kandydatka rządu polskiego na funkcję sekretarza generalnego Rady Europy. Od 2001 roku ambasador Polski przy Stolicy Apostolskiej. 18 października 2004 roku odznaczona Wielkim Krzyżem Orderu Błogosławionego Piusa IX.


Looking for the link between dignity and politics, the author
quotes popular encyclopaedic definitions, which suggest that an
obvious aim of every political action is gaining or keeping power.
And since the aim of political authority should be serving the
general good, decisions made by politicians should be based on
values identifying the rights of individual citizens. The best protection
for these rights is respecting the natural law, however in
many countries binding regulations do not refer to this basic norm
directly. Therefore, dignity is not always treated as a fundamental
characteristic of every human being, though usually politics
assumes concern for citizens’ dignity, their decent life etc.
In Polish political experiences of the second half of the 20th
century the principle of solidarity had an important position, as
the opposite of the principle of class hatred (class struggle) the
communists subscribed to. Solidarity, chosen as the motto by
a huge social movement, was a protest against indecent living
conditions, and at the same time striving after practising decent
politics, i.e. honest and based on the truth.

How to Cite
Suchocka, H. (2017). O godności w polityce. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 5(9), 85-102. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/1139
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