Godność małżeństwa

  • Janusz Kowal Janusz Kowal SJ, doktor prawa kanonicznego, profesor i wykładowca prawa małżeńskiego i sakramentalnego oraz Dyrektor Seminarium Jurysprudencji na Wydziale Prawa Kanonicznego Papieskiego Uniwersytetu Gregoriańskiego w Rzymie. Konsultor Najwyższego Trybunału Sygnatury Apostolskiej oraz Komisji Specjalnej Kongregacji Nauki Wiary. Członek Zarządu Consociatio Internationalis Studio Iuris Canonici Promovendo oraz Stowarzyszenia Kanonistów Polskich. Autor publikacji: Uscita definitiva dall'istituto religioso dei professi di voti perpetui. Evoluzione storica e disciplina attuale, Analecta Gregoriana 271, Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma 1997; A Házasság Felbontása a hit Javára, Szent István Társulat, Budapest 2004, oraz artykułów publikowanych głównie w „Periodica de Re Canonica”.


In spite of the very difficult and complex situation of marriage
and family in contemporary world, its negative image appears
very one-sided, because there are also positive aspects of this
situation. The changes which have taken place and are present
in contemporary world point to a more distinctly genuine and
positive character of the institution of marriage.
One of the areas where these changes have occurred more
broadly include the widespread model of monogamous marriage
and conjugal laws which take into consideration the equality of
women’s rights and the freedom of choice of the spouse. Even
Muslim countries have experienced these changes; e.g. some of
them introduced in the last century such marital regulations,
which are all the more in conformity with the natural and evangelical
values of the institution of marriage and the dignity of the
human person.
The changes in contemporary world are also reflected in the
current legislation of the Catholic Church. Some newer norms protect, better than their predecessor did, the freedom of the parties contracting marriage and assure great protection against deceit or a conditioned act of the will for marriage. These examples bear witness to an ever greater esteem for the institution of marriage itself, as well as to the protection of the dignity of the persons who get married. The norms concerning the consummation of marriage and individual regulations showing „the favour of law” which marriage enjoys in the Catholic Church bear similar witness.

How to Cite
Kowal, J. (2017). Godność małżeństwa. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 5(9), 169-183. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/1145
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