Sumienie. Aspekty psychologiczne i pedagogiczne

  • Helmut Hanisch Helmut Hanisch, ur. w 1943 roku we Wrocławiu. Studia filozoficzne, psychologiczne i pedagogiczne na Uniwersytach w Tübingen, Stuttgarcie i w Pädagogische Hochschule w Reutlingen. W latach 1969-74 nauczyciel i wicedyrektor szkoły. Od roku 1974 nauczyciel akademicki w Pädagogisch-Theologische Zentrum der Württembergischen Landeskirche w Stuttgarcie i w Uniwersytecie w Tübingen. W latach 1985-92 odpowiedzialny za szkolnictwo w kościelnym okręgu w Heidenheim. W 1994 roku stopień doktora filozofii w Uniwersytecie w Stuttgarcie. Od roku 1992 profesor pedagogiki religijnej w Uniwersytecie w Lipsku. Zainteresowania naukowe: sfera empiryczna pedagogiki religijnej.


The author ponders over one of the main anthropological
issues concerning the process of man’s upbringing, namely the
possibilities of educating human conscience. Three psychological
concepts: Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis, Carl Gustav Jung’s
neopsychoanalysis and Philip Lersch’s personality psychology
formed the background to his pedagogical reflections. The presentation
of each scholar’s views ends with a conclusion formulated
on the basis of the question about the possibility to infer
the foundations (also axiological) for a particular pedagogy from
a given psychological conception.

The closest to the author and also, in his opinion, the most
fruitful for the process of upbringing is Philip Lersch’s concept
emphasizing the role of the experience of sense in the formation
of human conscience. In order to develop and deepen this direction
of deliberations, the author refers to Eric Erickson’s concept,
for which the key moment linking experiencing the world
and building this feeling of sense is prime confidence.
In the last part of the study the author, searching for a broader
axiological horizon conditioning the formation of conscience, refers
to a transcendent perspective, possible to express also in
religious values. For the upbringing process, however, conscience
has the fundamental meaning, not so much the „transmoral-
religious” as „moral-ethic conscience”, which „operates” only
when it is accompanied by a deep sense of obligation to particular
values, and also joy and pleasure resulting from fulfilling

How to Cite
Hanisch, H. (2017). Sumienie. Aspekty psychologiczne i pedagogiczne. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 4(8), 187-203. Retrieved from