The International Criminal Law of Children on War Crimes

  • Farhad Malekian stitute of International Criminal Law in Uppsala
Keywords: children, rights, crime


Whilst the system of international criminal law is a relatively new branch of public international law, its foundations are comparatively based on ancient times. This system has mostly been applied to serious criminal violations committed by individuals, groups, organizations and states. It is the first system of public international law which deals with all of its violators as independent subjects of law. The international criminal law of children is that part of international criminal law which deals with the rights belonging to the children of the world and the obligations of individuals, organizations and states not only to fulfil and respect those rights but also to prevent their violation in national, regional or international relations. The rights of children should be regarded as peremptory parts of international criminal law and therefore inalienable because of their essential role in the protection of children from the unlawful and immoral acts of individuals acting behind the international legal personality of their states. Children are thus the protected subjects of international law, whether in times of peace or war. This is also confirmed in the judgments of the SCSL and the ICC. The word ‘child’ in the article is used without any prejudice as to the sex or the physical or mental capability of the child.


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How to Cite
Malekian, F. (2014). The International Criminal Law of Children on War Crimes. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(25), 31-69. Retrieved from