Wenn das Böse wie das Gute aussieht...

  • Manfred Deselaers ManfredDeselaers–ks. katolicki z diecezji Aachen w Niemciech, mieszkaod1990r.wOświęcimiu.DoktoratnaPapieskiejAkademii Teologicznej w Krakowie. Wykładowca teologii fundamentalnej na PapieskiejAkademiiTeologicznej.PracownikCentrumDialoguiModlitwywOświęcimiu.W2000rokuuhonorowanyprzezPolskąRadę Chrześcijan i Żydów tytułem Człowieka Pojednania, w 2005 r. odznaczonyprzezPrezydentaPolskiKrzyżemKawalerskimOderuZasługiRzeczpospolitejPolskiorazlaureatnagrodyMiesięcznikaiWydawnictwa Znak im. ks. Józefa Tischnera. Autor książki Bóg a z ło w świetle biografii Rudolfa Hössa komendanta Auschwitz (Kraków 1998, Wydawnictwo WAM). Redaktor książki Dialog u progu Auschwitz (Kraków 2003, UNUM).


On the example of Rudolf Höss, the commanding officer of Auschwitz,theauthor ponders over the fact how man, who was not a sadist by nature, man who was not mentally ill, who was a loving husband and father, could become the greatest perpetrator of genocide in history? He also gives some thought to the essence of a complete loss of humanity. Thecausesofsuchbehaviouraresoughtfirstofallinthenegativeexperiencesoflovetakenfromhome,whoseconsequence isbreakingoffanycontactswithfamily,withdrawingfromChurch and disavowing Catholic faith, and finally joining NSDAP (National Socialist German labour party). ThenextreasonforHöss’sbrutalconductisdiscernedbythe authorinthenational-socialistideologyheadopted.Accordingto theauthor,itisNazism,which limited people to animal-like conduct(intheliteralmeaningoftheword)anddeprivedthemofany dignityandfreedom,thatmadeHöss’sconscienceappeaseand drew out his sensitivity to other man’s suffering. TheauthorcontraststhecruelconductofthecommandingofficerofAuschwitzwithhishumanity.Heshowstheexistingtracesof goodness, which were supposed to become a sort of protest againstevil,whichwascausedbyhimandwhichshapedhiswork and conduct. His deliberations are based mainly on the period RudolfHössspentinprison.Theauthorstressesthatitwasthere thathisinternaltransformationtookplace,thepricksofconscience andtheawarenessofbrutalityappeared.ItwasonlyinPolishprisons,asaresultofhumanetreatment,thatHössfoundhishumanity,convertedintoCatholicismandapologizedforhiscrimes. Concluding, the author deliberates on whether one can talk about man’s guilt in the case he was wounded by improper Catholic upbringing as a child, then his conscience was drawn
out by the national-socialist ideology, to finally discover his humanity and dignity anew in Polish prisons.

How to Cite
Deselaers, M. (2017). Wenn das Böse wie das Gute aussieht. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 4(7), 137-149. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/1206
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