Młodzież wobec wartości

  • Anna Błasiak Anna Błasiak, 1991-96 Wydział Filozoficzny Towarzystwa Jezusowego w Krakowie, specjalizacja – pedagogika społeczno-opiekuńcza; 1993-95 Papieska Akademia Teologiczna, Studium Teologii Rodziny; 2001 Wyższa Szkoła Filozoficzno-Pedagogiczna „Ignatianum” w Krakowie, obrona pracy doktorskiej (Młodzież – świat wartości, WAM, Kraków 2002); obecnie adiunkt w Wydziale Pedagogicznym Wyższej Szkoły Filozoficzno-Pedagogicznej „Ignatianum” (Katedra Pedagogiki Rodziny).


The aim of the article was to show specific knowledge of
young people and their world of values, whose original objective
is to serve educational work. Adolescence is the time in which the
processes of creating individual value system and shaping viewpoint
take place. Educational support is essential in this period
since despite profound sensitivity to values, discovering values
by a young person does not necessarily lead to identification with
them. Beside theoretical investigation, the article includes conclusions
resulting from the study conducted by the author
concerning values adopted and realized by young people.
Questions regarding values of the young generation remain
up-to-date and significant since they exhibit both social (young
people are the future of the society and its chance) and individual
character (values influence the shape and quality of man’s life).

How to Cite
Błasiak, A. (2017). Młodzież wobec wartości. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 3(6), 87-100. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/1264