Aksjologiczny wymiar rozstrzygnięć w teorii i praktyce resocjalizacji

  • Mariusz Sztuka Mariusz Sztuka (ur. 1968) doktor nauk humanistycznych, adiunkt w Instytucie Pedagogiki UJ oraz w WSFP „Ignatianum”. W latach 1992-1998 wychowawca w zakładzie penitencjarnym.


The author touches upon the issues of contemporary conditions
of rehabilitation activity from the perspective of changes
taking place in the sphere of rehabilitation teleology, as well as
transformations concerning phenomena of social pathology.
Along with the progress observed in the area of the ability to
explain the basis and nature of deviation behaviours in a rational
way, the model of a deviant expressed mainly in moral or religious
terms is suffering from erosion. Simultaneously, a perceptible
increase in the size of social pathology and the
disturbing changes in its nature in the perspective of the previous
decades, which is perceived as a fragment of a more general
crisis of values, gives rise to the necessity of an urgent intervention
of preventive and corrective kind. These circumstances
result in a difficulty, which signals its presence on the level of
concrete educational decisions, and also emphasizes certain
constant ambivalences constituting the professional role of rehabilitation

How to Cite
Sztuka, M. (2017). Aksjologiczny wymiar rozstrzygnięć w teorii i praktyce resocjalizacji. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 3(6), 127-138. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/1267