Odpowiedzialność społeczna jako kategoria współczesnej teorii...

  • Barbara Niemiec Barbara Niemiec. Obecnie adiunkt w Wyższej Szkole Filozoficzno- Pedagogicznej „Ignatianum”, wcześniej pracownik naukowy Zakładu Pedagogiki Kultury w Instytucie Pedagogiki UJ. W latach 1995-2002 również dziennikarka „Tygodnika Solidarność”. Publikacje naukowe z zakresu związków między kulturą a edukacją. Autorka haseł „Patriotyzm”, „Godność człowieka”, „Stowarzyszenia” w Encyklopedii społecznego nauczania Jana Pawła II, Radom 2003.


The article presents the analysis of the concept of responsibility
on the basis of contemporary philosophical thought,
showing, at the same time, its pedagogical implications. It constituted
the starting point for defining the notion of social responsibility
as a kind of relation linking the doer with his deed, being
the answer to some value and/or its consequences and revealing
the following features:

– the doer is collective entity,
– the doer is an individual but his deed and/or its consequences
refer to the social addressee,
– the subject of responsibility is another man, community,
common good; one can also refer to social responsibility in
the case its subject is the doer or his personal property for the
sake of social consequences of the deed,
– the instance imposing responsibility is community, articulated
through the accepted system and hierarchy of values, current
norms, customs, models of roles and holding dignity,
– the executor is community equipped with sanctions in the form
of informal rewards and punishments.
The article expresses the reflection upon the need and possibilities
of shaping the above-defined social responsibility in the
light of contemporary tendencies in theory and practice in education
as well as the context of social life.

How to Cite
Niemiec, B. (2017). Odpowiedzialność społeczna jako kategoria współczesnej teorii. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 3(5), 17-48. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/1293