Wychowanie obywatelskie w jezuickich kolegiach szlacheckich...

  • Kazimierz Puchowski Kazimierz Puchowski, ur. 1955. Studia historyczne na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim, doktor nauk humanistycznych, adiunkt w Zakładzie Historii Nauki, Oświaty i Wychowania w Instytucie Pedagogiki UG. Obszar zainteresowań badawczych: edukacja elit w epoce Oświecenia, nauczanie historii w szkołach dawnej Rzeczypospolitej, dzieje szkolnictwa jezuickiego. Członek Komisji Historii Nauk Społecznych Komitetu Historii Nauki i Techniki PAN, Gdańskiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań nad Wiekiem Osiemnastym Publikacje m.in.: Edukacja historyczna w kolegiach jezuickich Rzeczypospolitej 1565-1773, Gdańsk 1999 (nagroda MEN); Collegia Nobilium Societatis Jesu: Education of the Political Elite in Poland, 1746-1773, w: Educational Reform in National and International Perspectives: Past, Present and Future, edited by Cz. Majorek, E.J. Johanningmeier, „Prace Komisji Nauk Pedagogicznych” 21, Kraków 2000, s. 261-272; Collegium Nobilium Societatis Jesu w Warszawie wobec „dobrze oświeconej Europy”, „Wiek Oświecenia” 17, 2001, s. 92-112; Between orator christianus and orator politicus. Historical Education and Books in Jesuit Colleges in Poland and Lithuania (1565-1773), „Paedagogica Historica. International Journal of the History of Education” t. XXXVII, 2002, nr 1, Gent 2002, s. 229- 249; Z dziejów Almae Matris Vilnensis. Księga pamiątkowa ku czci 400-lecia założenia i 75-lecia wskrzeszenia Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego, redakcja naukowa, wstęp Ludwik Piechnik SJ i Kazimierz Puchowski, Kraków 1996.


In his article, K. Puchowski takes up the problem of civic education
in Jesuit colleges for nobility in the First Republic of Poland.
Establishing colleges was supposed to be the reaction of
Jesuits, Piarists, and Theatines to the expectations of the state,
which wanted to have well-prepared elites in order to introduce
reforms necessary at that time. The author makes a brief comparison
and analysis of the activity of colleges for nobility run by
individual orders, with special attention paid to Jesuit colleges.
Jesuit colleges in the Republic of Poland aimed at training exemplary
citizens, full of religiousness and patriotism. The author
disagrees with the standpoint, expressed in literature, that education
in colleges for nobility was deprived of civic character,
which he attempts to prove in the article, showing various forms
and methods of shaping civic attitudes. Colleges passed on not
only knowledge, but they also shaped the attitudes of respect
for statehood. Jesuit schools were elitist, different from knights’
schools of the time. The teaching staff was well-prepared for
conducting cultural and political education. They trained the sons
of the well-known Polish noblemen cherishing hope that it would
prove useful in the process of restoring the Republic of Poland.
K. Puchowski enumerates the leading figures for the area under
discussion, such as: Karol Wyrwicz, Franciszek Bohomolec,
Adam Naruszewicz and others, who had influence on the shape
of the colleges for nobility in the Crown and Lithuania. Those
people were characterised by a critical approach towards what
was happening in the Republic of Poland and willingness to educate
enlightened citizens for the Homeland.

How to Cite
Puchowski, K. (2017). Wychowanie obywatelskie w jezuickich kolegiach szlacheckich. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 3(5), 85-112. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/1296