Patriotyzm w polityce – pojęcie tylko historyczne?

  • Paweł Kuglarz Paweł Kuglarz, specjalista w zakresie prawa państwowego i administracyjnego. Absolwent Wydziału Prawa Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego i Uniwersytetu w Regensburgu. Asystent w katedrze Historii Prawa Kościelnego na Wydziale Prawa UJ, dyrektor Szkoły Prawa Niemieckiego na Wydziale Prawa UJ, sekretarz Rady Naukowej Polsko-Niemieckiego Centrum Prawa Bankowego. Członek założyciel partii Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, obecnie wiceprzewodniczący zarządu regionalnego Prawo i Sprawiedliwość w Małopolsce. Autor licznych publikacji, Od totalitaryzmu do demokracji. Pomiędzy „grubą kreską” a dekomunizacją – doświadczenia Polski i Niemiec, Kraków 2001; Małżeństwo konkordatowe, Kraków 1994 oraz autor wielu artykułów w zakresie prawa.


The article takes up the issue of patriotism understood as the
social-political attitude based on the principles of love and friendship
towards the homeland, unity and solidarity with one’s own
nation, the sense of social bond and cultural community with
compatriots. The notion of patriotism has changed a lot through
the years. The author depicts historical development of this concept
since medieval times up to the present day. At present,
patriotism essentially means work at the foundations, work for
one’s own, but, at the same time, for the whole society.
The issue of patriotism today requires new consideration,
especially in the prospect of the processes of economic and
cultural globalisation. If, in the past, patriotism was developing in
the perspective of the whole nation, or state, today, it rather relates
to small local communities, where people organise according
to their private needs and interests, where tradition as well
as national and local culture are cultivated. The nation’s position
in the world can be measured by the value of culture and its
powers of radiation.
Contemporary patriotism has to go hand in hand with conviction
that each homeland constitutes a part of a huge world homeland.
Therefore, an attitude of openness to others is required
as well as awareness that the increase of the ethical level of interpersonal elations takes place in the spiritual and cultural revival
of local traditions.

How to Cite
Kuglarz, P. (2017). Patriotyzm w polityce – pojęcie tylko historyczne?. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 3(5), 127-147. Retrieved from