Fostering A Multi-level Approach to Entrepreneurial Pedagogy: The German Experience

  • Magdalena Łuczak-Trąpczyńska Poznan University of Economics
  • Piotr Trąpczyński Poznan University of Economics
Keywords: entrepreneurial pedagogy, entrepreneurial education, Germany


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to analyse the case of entrepreneurial pedagogy in Germany at the level of primary and secondary education and to identify good practices in the development of entrepreneurship skills of pupils.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The paper uses a systematic review of literature with relation to entrepreneurial education, as well as the German literature of the topic, in order to descend to the analysis of secondary data related to the German education system and its usage of entrepreneurial pedagogy.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: In the first part, the paper clarifies the notion of entrepreneurial pedagogy and introduces modern didactic approaches, particularly process-oriented teaching. Subsequently, the German case is used to analyse how entrepreneurial pedagogy can be implemented at different interrelated levels. In the recommendation section, the success factors of the implementation of such an approach are discussed. The paper ends with some concluding remarks.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The analysis of entrepreneurial pedagogy in German literature and practice highlights the relevance of an interplay of solutions at different levels: the level of the state (or, in the case of decentralised educational systems like the German one, at the regional level), the level of school initiative, as well as the individual level of educators who are in charge of implementing entrepreneurial teaching methods.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: According to the concept of process-oriented didactics presented in this paper, the aspect of making mistakes is an important engine of learning, as well as teaching itself. However, it can be observed in Germany that in teaching reality more attention is devoted to the errors themselves than to the tolerance of errors, according to the principle that the teacher does not commit mistakes. Hence, this issue should be raised in appropriate teacher training. The German experience can be a starting point for discussion related to other countries, as well.


Author Biographies

Magdalena Łuczak-Trąpczyńska, Poznan University of Economics

M.Sc. in Management of the Poznań University of Economics and Business. Her doctoral research concentrates on the institutional determinants of the controlling system in MNE subsidiaries. She is chief financial officer in a subsidiary of an MNE operating in Poland, and served as board member in the same company. Overall she has extensive experience in controlling positions in both headquarters and subsidiaries of MNEs.

Piotr Trąpczyński, Poznan University of Economics

Piotr Trąpczyński is assistant professor at the Department of International Competitiveness, Poznan University of Economics. He is also an MBA and Master lecturer with specialisation in international business strategy and international marketing, as well as head of the research project "The determinants of foreign direct investment performance in the internationalisation process of Polish companies", financed by the National Science Centre of Poland (for the period 2013-2015).

Prior to these positions, Piotr worked as Research Assistant at the Berlin Campus of ESCP Europe, where he completed a European Doctoral Programme in International Business, and lecturer in international business at the Academy of Business and Economics (VWA) in Berlin. He had also gained business experience through several positions in the IT industry, strategic management consulting and brand management in the FMCG sector. He gained his PhD degree at the Poznań University of Economics, as well as M.Sc. from the City University of London, Dipl.-Kfm and Master degrees of the ESCP Europe in Berlin and Paris.

His research interests include internationalization into and from emerging and transition economies (with focus on the CEE), FDI performance, firm competitiveness, as well as mixed-method research. He is author and co-author of related publications in international books (i.a. Gabler, Palgrave Macmillan, Edgar Elgar Publishing) and journals (including European Management Journal, Journal of Economics and Management, Oeconomia Copernicana, or Poznan University of Economics Review).


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How to Cite
Łuczak-Trąpczyńska, M., & Trąpczyński, P. (2017). Fostering A Multi-level Approach to Entrepreneurial Pedagogy: The German Experience. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 16(37), 129-146.