A Child’s Right for Protection against all Forms of Violence – Polish Legislation and a Pedagogical Perspective

  • Małgorzata Kozak Jagiellonian University in Krakow Faculty of Arts e-mail: mj.kozak@uj.edu.pl
Keywords: child, violence, law, violence towards children


The article discusses the problem of a child’s right to protection against all forms of violence. It presents a concept of pedagogical and legal analyses of the problem of violence towards a child. It discusses the normative concept for securing one of the fundamental childhood needs; the need to be safe. It analyses the provision of law, institutions and procedures within the scope of the protection and pursuit of children’s rights to freedom from all forms of violence in the Polish law. Definitional dilemmas pertaining to the category of violence towards a child are subjected to analysis and the primary diagnostic prerequisites of this phenomenon are depicted. An main goal of the essay is to indicate the actual competencies and entitlements of teachers and pedagogues within the sphere of securing this right and tracing out the directions for change within the scope of its comprehensive execution.


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How to Cite
Kozak, M. (2014). A Child’s Right for Protection against all Forms of Violence – Polish Legislation and a Pedagogical Perspective. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(25), 87-100. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/14