A Portrait of the Contemporary Child The Discussion in the Context of Children’s Rights in the light of the findings of Janusz Korczak

  • Marta Kosowska-Ślusarczyk Ignatianum Academy in Krakow Faculty of Philosophy kosowska_marta@interia.pl
Keywords: childhood, korczak, children?s right, child


The article discusses the issue of children’s rights in the image of modern childhood against a collision with the vision of children’s rights by Janusz Korczak. Currently, despite the widely extended activity of many foundations, organized humanitarian aid, children’s rights continue to be violated. The child has enough flexibility to adapt to rapid changes in the surrounding reality and the many requirements it faces. Despite the many differences between the age J. Korczak lived in, and present times there can be seen many parallels and messages that apply to the reality of our times. In my work, I would like to rely on several texts of J. Korczak, addressing the issue of children’s rights, among others: Prawie dziecka do szacunku (The Child’s Right to Respect), Jak kochać dziecko. Dziecko w rodzinie (How to Love a Child. The Child in the Family), Prawidłach życia (Regulations of Life) and selected writings. In these works the following children’s rights are prevalent the right to life and the right of the child to be what it is, the right to property, its own opinion, fun and leisure. I analyze and present them in a context of contemporary vision of childhood and children’s rights contained in the UN Convention.


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How to Cite
Kosowska-Ślusarczyk, M. (2014). A Portrait of the Contemporary Child The Discussion in the Context of Children’s Rights in the light of the findings of Janusz Korczak. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(25), 101-116. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/15