• Joanna Małecka Poznań University of Technology Faculty of Engineering Management
Keywords: Internet, addiction, age of adolescence, overuse


SCIENTIFIC AIM: The aim of the article is to present the results of the author’s research on the addiction of primary school pupils to the Internet and their attitudes on this field and the level of understanding of the dangers resulting from spending time on-line.

RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main research problem of the publication is to determine the degree of a risk resulting from the use of new technologies by children. To present the results of the research mathematical analysis tools were used with an intention to show proportionally the population size and shares of the threat and the addiction of the topic.

ARGUMENT’S COURSE: The argument is divided in two parts: the theoretical - based on the review of the subject literature on the field of addiction, and empirical - presenting the results of the research,   comparing attitudes and behaviors towards the Internet of pupils attending primary school in a countryside and in a city.

RESULTS OF SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS: Innovations like the Internet are developed all the time, just as all the devices through which it can be accessed. Laptops are of not gigabyte but terabyte disks now, overwhelming the capabilities of the average human brain. Obtaining information, tracking new products or learning about new technologies mean spending many hours in front of a computer. Children, being at the beginning of their intellectual development, constitute a group that is particularly vulnerable to the risk that might arise from surfing on-line. 

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: The question arises whether the current educational system favors the conscious shaping of the skills of defining by children both the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of new technologies and the Internet.



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Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Dr Tadeusz Żuk from Poznań University of Technology for his kindness, scientific mentoring and help in exploring issue related to the subject.

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