Child’s Right to Learn about Multicultural Europe in Future Teachers’ Education

  • Aneta Rogalska-Marasińska University of Lodz Faculty of Educational Sciences Department of Teaching and Teacher Education e-mail:
Keywords: human rights, child?s rights, multicultural education, millennium development goals, 134 competences in education for sustainable development, intercultural strategies in teacher?s develpoment, bennett scale


We live in a multiculturalEurope. To build good future for worthy and safeEuropeit is indispensable to educate its citizens to the culture of common-being. A child has its right to dignity and respectful life. Thus he/she should learn to build sincere relations with other people. Those are the fundamental presumptions and ideas proclaimed by UNESCO. They constitute Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and have an impact on education for sustainable development (ESD). In both cases culture has ultimate position. A child, learning about itself and about other people from the background of his/her own culture and in relation to the culture of those others, can develop the idea of openness and understanding. Being aware of similarities and differences between people he/she may create a multicultural society without fears and walls. We need holistically educated teachers to gain optimal effects of such intercultural education. Pre-service and in-service vocational education, need a new insight into pedeutology and need to update their tasks. Without proper knowledge and practice, teacher education will be far from social needs and multicultural school/class demands. Thus, contemporary students’ education of pedagogical faculties should be a field of human sciences (S. Palka, A. de Tchorzewski) where one can find inspiring and emotional propositions and educational solutions (thematic publications, manuals and toolkits). Working on multicultural problems, and using suitable methods/strategies/models (like Milton Bennett scale – DMIS) one may become a skilful and empathic educational practitioner. A child has its right to individual and social multidimensional development, to safe and synergic future. Thus teachers should be differently prepared to undertake their mission (projects of: K. Duraj-Nowakowa, A. Kotusiewicz, H. Kwiatkowska). Multicultural topics should be introduced to teaching-learning standards of vocational teacher education (Z. Jasiński, T. Lewowicki, J. Nikitorowicz).



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How to Cite
Rogalska-Marasińska, A. (2014). Child’s Right to Learn about Multicultural Europe in Future Teachers’ Education. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(25), 133-155. Retrieved from