Immanent-Transcendental Anthropology of Dialog and its Education Implications

Keywords: Immanent Anthropology, Transcendental Anthropology, Dialogical Personalism, Contemplative Education, Appropriation


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the paper is to present the main assumptions of immanent and transcendental anthropology based on dialogical personalism and their implications for education.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The papers offers a critical analysis of dialogical personalism (M. Buber), and immanent and transcendental anthropology (K. Rahner, R. Bultmann), which serves as a basis for formulating specific implications for a holistic vision of man and his educational process.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Starting with the biblical description of the creation of man and the first relational act, through dialogical personalism and immanent and transcendental anthropologists, the Author of the paper searched for such understanding of anthropology which would capture the human person in a holistic way, with particular emphasis placed on the transcendental dimension.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The results of the analysis reveal that erroneous treatment and understanding of the immanent and transcendental dimension of anthropology leads to reductionist educational visions, which deprive the person of genuine development.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: It is necessary to re-discover the wealth of spiritual and bodily dimension of man (immanent and transcendental) on the basis of contemplative education, which is gradually gaining recognition among educators and philosophers of dialogue.

Author Biography

Wit Pasierbek, Jesuit University "Ignatianum" in Krakow




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How to Cite
Pasierbek, W. (2019). Immanent-Transcendental Anthropology of Dialog and its Education Implications. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 17(44), 253-264.