Exploring the Role of Inspiration in Entrepreneurship Education

  • Agnieszka Żur Cracow University of Economics Faculty of Economics and International Relations Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation e-mail:zura@uek.krakow.pl
Keywords: entrepreneurship, education, inspiration, entrepreneurship pedagogy, constructivist education, social learning


The article addresses the problem of shaping entrepreneurial postures and attitudes within entrepreneurship education. Over the last decades entrepreneurship education has become a vital area of research, classroom practice and policy regulations and is widely considered as one of the key instruments to increase entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of potential entrepreneurs. However, there is no clear consensus as to the factors that directly influence individual decisions to start new ventures. Therefore, there still exists a need to further clarify which elements in entrepreneurship education play a role in influencing new venture creation. This paper attempts to contribute to filling this gap by providing insight into the role of inspiration in entrepreneurship education. The results of a pilot survey questionnaire conducted over a period of three years among undergraduate students reveal that inspiration may be among the most relevant factors explaining entrepreneurial drive. The paper attempts to explain the inspiration phenomenon and draw conclusions in the form of suggested approaches to applied pedagogy to contribute to modern day entrepreneurship education.


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How to Cite
Żur, A. (2014). Exploring the Role of Inspiration in Entrepreneurship Education. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(26), 179-194. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/174