Rodzina w życiu uczonych w świetle wybranych egodokumentów
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The objective of the publication is presenting family and its meaning in shaping future scientists. Family stories mentioned in the text are related to the research on historical memory which was called autobiographical memory in the books concerning the topic.
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The basic research problem is showing the family as an institution important in the process of upbringing and shaping young people. In my considerations on the topic I have focused on the answers to the following questions: How were the parents remembered? What values did the family teach the scientists? How did the parents contribute to educating the scientists mentioned in the article? The method I applied in the work was historical and pedagogical analysis of egodocuments.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The process of argumentation consists of several stages: 1. Discussing the selected sources and their cognitive value, 2. Presenting the authors of the sources, which is necessary due to reading their cognitive value. 3. Presenting the examples telling about the meaning of the family in shaping future scientists. I am aware of the fact that the problem mentioned in the title of the text requires further research.
RESEARCH RESULTS: The analysis that has been carried out confirms the assumption that the family plays an important role in the process of upbringing and shaping certain attitudes. As the authors of the egodocuments have shown, parents are given particularly important tasks in those processes.
CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The conclusions do not only include presenting the knowledge of the past of the Polish family on the basis of selected examples. First of all, they include the presentation of verified theories of upbringing which confirm the effectiveness of the family influence on the further lives of their children and their function in science.
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