Contemporary Challenges of Entrepreneurship Education for Higher Education Institutes

  • Maria Urbaniec Cracow University of Economics Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Faculty of Economics and International Relations e-mail:
Keywords: entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial competencies, higher education


The development of the entrepreneurial mindset is embedded not only in European educational policy but also in Polish policy. In the current age of social and economic changes cooperation between business 210 and science in the context of internationalization as well as promotion of actions for interdisciplinary preconditions for entrepreneurship in educational programs is required. The aim of this paper is to present the essence of education for entrepreneurship and identify the main directions of development for higher education at the European and Polish level. On this basis, the main trends related to the development in the field of entrepreneurship in higher education will be identified. The current challenges of internationalization, interdisciplinary entrepreneurship conditions and closer cooperation between universities and businesses play in the entrepreneurship education a crucial role were identified in this paper as pivotal agents of change in entrepreneurship education. It should be taken into account by all stakeholders, both at the policy and university level, where partnership, networking and good practice exchange is the foundation for further development.


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How to Cite
Urbaniec, M. (2014). Contemporary Challenges of Entrepreneurship Education for Higher Education Institutes. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(26), 209-230. Retrieved from