Teleological aspects of pedagogical culture of the family. Componential and relational approach

Keywords: goals of education, educational objectives, pedagogical culture of the family, teleological aspects of family education, education in the family


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The research objective of the text is to consider the teleological aspects of pedagogical culture of the family, taking into account two perspectives. The first is expressed in their perception as a component of pedagogical culture of the family, the other in their recognition in connection with other components of the analysed construct.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main problem of the presented paper is expressed in questions concerning the content and position of teleological aspects of family education in the structure of pedagogical culture of the family. The conducted deliberations are based on the results of the author’s own surveys and analysis of the literature.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The first part of the argumentation is the definition of the adopted understanding of pedagogical culture. The second, based on the results of the research, is focused on identifying the characteristics and content of the teleological awareness of the family. An attempt to prove the thesis of the relational dimension of teleological aspects of education in the structure of pedagogical culture was undertaken.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The above considerations indicate that teleologicity is a property of the pedagogical culture of the family that permeates its both componential and relational dimension, constituting at the same time one of the important modifiers of the quality of implementation of the educational function by the family.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATION, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The application of the componential and relational approach inspires to undertake research on pedagogical culture of the family and its teleological aspects that extends beyond the schemes. It is possible to conclude that the lack of presence of goals of education in the structure of pedagogical culture significantly modifies the shape of the process of education in the family, which justifies taking pedagogizing actions in this regard.


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How to Cite
Zawadzka, E. (2019). Teleological aspects of pedagogical culture of the family. Componential and relational approach. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 18(48), 63-73.
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