The Mediatized Family
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the article is to show what the modern family looks like from the perspective of teachers and school educators under the influence of the mediatization process and to determine if and how they see the relationship between its functioning and mental health problems of children and youth.
RESEARCH PROBLEM and METHODS: The research problem is formulated: do digital media affect the functioning of the family and indirectly affect the mental health of children and young people and their self-esteem? The work uses an analytical and synthetic method based on literature, reports and statistical data, as well as the results of qualitative research conducted by the author at schools in Lesser Poland.
PROCESS OF THE ARGUMENTATION: The starting point of the work is a synthetic picture of the changes in the modern family under the influence of digital media and the picture of the mental condition of children and youth in the light of literature and existing data. In the next step, it was supplemented with opinions of teachers and school educators about the family and the relationship between changes occurring in it and the problems of mental health of children and youth.
RESEARCH RESULTS: The conducted analyses and qualitative research show that digital media exert an influence on the functioning of the family and indirectly affect the occurrence of mental health problems and lowering the self-esteem of children and youth.
CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: In the light of the conclusions drawn from qualitative research, broader quantitative research should be carried out to help determine the scale of the described phenomenon. In addition, it is necessary to take measures aimed at strengthening the condition of the family and making parents aware of the impact of the media and factors affecting their children’s mental health.
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