Strategic Games in Entrepreneurial Education

  • Aleksandra Gaweł Poznan University of Economics Department of International Economics Department of International Competitiveness e-mail:
Keywords: business education, strategic management games


In a knowledge-based economy training supporting the development of human capital has became of the greatest importance. Strategic management games appear to be a promising training method. The players put themselves in the position of business managers in various aspects of company management. Their task is to make decisions within their area of competence, for example production, marketing, finance or human resource management. Strategic games are able to develop such skills as team-work, decision-making ability or analytical skills. To fulfil the scenario of the game should be comprehensive and clear and should reflect the business reality.


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How to Cite
Gaweł, A. (2014). Strategic Games in Entrepreneurial Education. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(26), 303-325. Retrieved from