mily rituals as a factor determining stability and permanence of the family system in the dynamically changing world

Keywords: tradition, ritual, family, family ritual


Research objective: The aim of the article is to present the phenomenon of a family ritual from the perspective of its function and significance for the quality of the life of a family and its permanence. 

The research problem and methods: The research problem focuses on finding answers to the following questions: What are family rituals? What is their significance for family life and its quality from the perspective of its stability and permanence? The study is conducted using the analytical and synthetic method of the analysis of subject literature.  

The process of argumentation: Referring to interdisciplinary scientific studies, the article presents the analysis of the ritual and family ritual, taking into account a broader conceptual category - tradition. It also indicates fundamental functions of celebrating rituals in the family and the benefits that can be derived from these events in both individual and family dimensions. 

Research results: Adhering to family rituals contributes to the harmony and integration of the family system.  Family rituals may therefore play the role of specific constants in the changing world and serve as factors which bond and integrate the family.

Conclusions, innovations, and recommendations: The constitutive feature of the modern world is a dynamic change that affects human life, causing new threats and offering opportunities. Family breakdown and the weakening of family relations are frequent phenomena. In the era of ubiquitous consumption and the digital-information revolution, family rituals may be seen as a kind of remedy helping to preserve close ties in the family, and thus its stability and permanence. What is needed in this respect is education of all generations and promotion of family rituals and their valuable celebration (preventive measures) as well as scientific exploration of this problem area. 


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How to Cite
Błasiak, A. (2019). mily rituals as a factor determining stability and permanence of the family system in the dynamically changing world. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 18(48), 43-51.
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