Entrepreneurial Intentions and Activities of Polish Students – the state of affairs and its implication for education

  • Krzysztof Safin School of Banking in Wroclaw Department of Finance and Management Research Team of Business and Management e-mail: Krzysztof.safin@wsb.wroclaw.pl
Keywords: entrepreneurship, students activities and intentions, business founders, founding barriers



The article contains an overview of the results of research conducted as part of the project GUESSS. Conducted for the first time in Poland by the University in St. Gallen, the research provides interesting information on the level of Polish students’ entrepreneurship and their determinants. Particularly significant are the references to the method of teaching entrepreneurship. A low percentage of students was engaged in the entrepreneurial process and a low percentage of business owners amongst the students forces to question the effectiveness of the teaching model. Interesting results come from the student responses to a question of the practicality of the knowledge shared. The research was conducted amongst over 11 thousand Polish students from 37 universities of various types.



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How to Cite
Safin, K. (2014). Entrepreneurial Intentions and Activities of Polish Students – the state of affairs and its implication for education. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 13(26), 327-340. Retrieved from https://horyzontywychowania.ignatianum.edu.pl/HW/article/view/181