The Authentic Culture of Encounter. The Media and the Contemporary Crisis of the Family According to Pope Francis
An answer to the question of how Francis sees the contemporary crisis of the family in the perspective of the functioning of the media – means of social communication.
I intend to answer the question posed above with the help of critical-quantitative analysis of selected sources, complemented with comparative analysis.
The article comprises five parts: 1. “Introduction” – where the problem is sketched. 2. “Crisis of the Family?” – presenting a critical look at the sociological standpoint according to which the contemporary changes to the institution of the family are not marked by the features of a crisis, and Francis’ understanding of a crisis. 3. “Mediatization of the Family” – discussing difficulties with the balancing of the media’s responsibility for the crisis of the family and Francis’ related standpoint. 4. “Model of Communication” – presenting communication-related “relatedness” – according to Francis – between the family and the media and discussing in what sense – according to Francis – the contemporary media are a problem and a threat to the institution of the family; 5. “Conclusion” – containing a summary and conclusions.
It results from Francis’ teaching about means of social communication and family that the media are not so much the source of the crisis of the family, as confirm its existence, doing it unilaterally, focusing on the crisis situation of the family. This does not mean that the media cannot be or are not a threat to the family, a danger and a problem.
According to the author’s best knowledge, interpretation of Francis’ teaching has not yet been presented in source literature.
KEYWORDS: family, the crisis of the family, mediatization, media, communication, model of communication, culture of encounter
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