Wskazania Kościoła Katolickiego w odniesieniu do odpowiedzialnej konsumpcji
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The article is an attempt to develop a set of postulates to be implemented by both consumers and entrepreneurs in order to develop a more mature and responsible style of consumption in Poland.
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article is a review of the Church’s documents and indications concerning the issue of responsible consumption. Through the method of analysis of the documents published from the end of the 19th century until the present day, a synthetic reflection on the problems arising from the promotion of consumer attitudes in European culture has been gathered and the most important indications in this area have been presented.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The materials from documents and indications of the Church were grouped into three categories: those relating to consumers and consumption, addressed to entrepreneurs, and providing recommendations for conducting advertising communication.
RESEARCH RESULTS: Campaigns that influence consumer attitudes should be directed in the right direction, fostering the growth of individuals and societies. Specific indications in this regard can be drawn from the ethical sciences and from the teaching of the Catholic Church, both of which emphasize human dignity.
CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The biggest challenges: reaching a level where most buyers make purchasing decisions on the basis of rational premises and introducing forms of education for children so as not to show irresponsible behaviour in adult life. By achieving an appropriate level of consumer self-awareness, consumers will be able to deliberately choose products with specific functional characteristics, the right composition, or products designed to provide an aesthetic or pleasurable experience.
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