O poszerzaniu horyzontu wychowania i budowaniu osobowych relacji w rodzinie w ujęciu Jespera Juula

Keywords: Jasper Juul, family relations, family, upbringing, family upbringing


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The scientific goal of the article is the analysis of jasper Juul upbringing concept. In the thesis the statement was undertaken, that the foundation and the core of upbringing, from the perspective of a Danish pedagogist and family therapist Jasper Juul is the relation between the parents and a child.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The analytical – synthetical method was used to prepare the article. For the purpose of the thesis, the critical analysis was performed, the syn-thesis and interpretation of the context of the Jasper Juul books (translated into Polish language) as well as his opinions taken from other sources (e.g. delivered interviews or recorded presentations). The following research problems have been examined: what is the Jasper Juul conception of upbringing? What is the meaning of constructing personal relations among the family members? Regarding which values, the personal relations are built in the family, in the Jasper Juul concept?

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The process of the thesis begins with the presentation of Jasper Juul upbringing concept, via the analysis of the meaning of the relations among family members (first between the parents, then between the parents and a child)., till pointing out the favoring relationships construction and space for their realization.

RESEARCH RESULTS: In the course of the conducted analysis, it has been determined, that the upbringing in Jasper Juul concept is equal with building personal relations. Juul declines the traditional comprehension of upbringing and gives floor to building constructive family relations.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Jasper Juul upbringing concept assumes, that what a child needs to grow and develop in a proper way is the personal relation with the parents, based on the value of dignity, integrity, authenticity, responsibility, commonwealth and the leadership of the parents.


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How to Cite
Rojewska, E. (2020). O poszerzaniu horyzontu wychowania i budowaniu osobowych relacji w rodzinie w ujęciu Jespera Juula. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 19(50), 149-160. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.1859