The university model in Act 2.0 - is the tradition of the Wilhelm von Humboldt University coming back?

Keywords: higher education system, university models, higher education internationalization, cademic education


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the analysis is to determine the relationship between the traditional Wilhelm von Humboldt model of university and the model functioning in Act 2.0.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The problem is to determine the modern model of the university and its relationship with the traditional model of the university. An analysis of legislative documents and literature will be used to solve the problem.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION:  The  article  contains  characteristics  of  the  traditional  university model and an attempt to determine the university model in Act 2.0 along with a comparison of assumptions about science and didactics at the university. Attention was also paid to the growing importance of international scientific research.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The W. Humboldt University model, with the freedom of research and teaching, is not reflected in Act 2.0, due to the fact that scientific research is adapted to social needs and economic development. The freedom of teaching is limited by adjusting the education process to the learning outcomes of the Polish Qualifications Framework.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS:  The  full  traditional  model  of the university cannot occur in the face of adjusting education in universities to the Bologna Process and the growing importance of international cooperation in research and R&D activities of scholars

Author Biography

Danuta Wiśniewska, Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Piastów Śląskich

asystent, Zakład Dydaktyki Szkoły Wyższej Katedry Peedagogiki



Dziennik Ustaw z dnia 30 sierpnia 2018 r., poz.1668

Dziennik Ustaw z dnia 30 sierpnia 2018 r., poz.1669

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How to Cite
Wiśniewska, D. (2020). The university model in Act 2.0 - is the tradition of the Wilhelm von Humboldt University coming back?. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 19(51), 33-41.