Organizacja i funkcjonowanie systemu edukacji dla przedsiębiorczości w kształceniu pozalekcyjnym

Keywords: entrepreneurship education, didactics of economic subjects, education programs


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to present contemporary forms and tools for the implementation in extracurricular education programs in the field of education for entrepreneurship.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The analyzed research problem is the way of organizing extracurricular activities – on the one hand in terms of the methodological correctness of constructing teaching programs, and on the other – an attempt to assess whether they are inter­esting in terms of content and motivating for participants. The study used the case study method.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The structure of the article is as follows. It began with the presentation of the results of a study of domestic and foreign literature on the subject. In the following, the importance of case study as a research method will be presented. Then, selected examples of good practice in extracurricular entrepreneurship education will be presented. In the final part of the article a summary will be presented, containing the main conclusions of the analy­sis and recommendations.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The conducted research shows that the involvement of teachers and ed­ucational institutions (understood as motivated human teams) allows for professional preparation and implementation of extracurricular education projects in the field of entrepreneurship education.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: All considerations end with pro­posals for organizational solutions in relation to the project of distribution of teaching material for entrepreneurship classes based on the e-entrepreneurship program, a proposal for an approach to their evaluation and references to valuable methodological guides in the field of entrepreneur­ship education.



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How to Cite
Bińczycki, B. (2021). Organizacja i funkcjonowanie systemu edukacji dla przedsiębiorczości w kształceniu pozalekcyjnym. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 20(53), 75-87.