Lawdemic, or the Legal Reality in the Era of the Pandemic in Poland

Keywords: lawdemic, infodemic, law, legal information, legal awareness


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The scientific objective of  publication is to describe and justify the existence of the phenomenon of lawdemic in the era of pandemics in Poland, as well as to indicate its causes and effects.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem posed in this study is the following: what is the phenomenon of lawdemic in Poland as a democratic legal state, and what were the causes and consequences of its occurrence in the pandemic era. The research method consisted in the analysis of literature on social sciences, including in particular sociological sciences, sciences of media and social communication, and legal sciences.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article consists of five parts. The first one contains an introduction to the fundamental considerations and describes the methodological background of the research. In the second part, an attempt has been made to define lawdemic and to discuss its characteristics. In the third part, the most important causes of this phenomenon are analysed, and in the fourth part, the most significant effects of this phenomenon are presented. The last part of the paper is a summary with scientific conclusions.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The analyses show that during the pandemic in Poland there was an unfavourable normative chaos resulting from an excess of legal regulations and their overly dynamic changes. This state of affairs was manifested on three levels: the primary level of lawmaking and two secondary levels – communication about the law and its application. 

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: The research innovation of the article consists in the recognition of a new socio-legal-communication phenomenon, i.e. lawdemic. This concept can be a starting point for empirical research, especially research on the level and changes of legal awareness of the Polish society and the effectiveness of informal channels of legal information flow in the pandemic era.


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How to Cite
Falana-Jafra, A. (2021). Lawdemic, or the Legal Reality in the Era of the Pandemic in Poland. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 20(54), 75-84.