The Need for Counselling Support for Youth at Risk

Keywords: Youth, Educational exclusion, Counselling support, NEET


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of conducted considerations is to draw attention to the risk of educational exclusion or professional inactivity of young people who experience the negative effects of social situation, aggravated by the pandemic and to signal the need to design counselling support addressed to young people belonging to so - called risk groups.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article character of overview. Analyzing the literature on the subject and journalistic reports, the author tries to signal the growing problem of premature leaving and interrupting education by young people during the pandemic, as well as its connection with professional inactivity and even social exclusion of the young in the future.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article starts with outlining the deteriorating situation of the youth, particularly in the context of their current situation on the labour market, This situation was correlated with an increased risk of educational and professional inactivity of the youth and emphasized the need for counselling support for them at risk of their exclusion.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The analysis showed that the pandemic period significantly increased the need for individualized counseling support focused on the needs of youth at risk, taking into account the different contexts of their functioning.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: The aim of modern interventions in the field of lifelong guidance should not only prepare young people for finding a job, obtaining profession, completing education, but also developing or creating conditions for the development of career resources, which will prepare them for effective functioning on the labor market, and bringing them closer to complete, responsible maturity.

Author Biography

Anna Wawrzonek, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

Adiunkt na Wydziale Studiów Edukacyjnych UAM, pedagog, doradca zawodowy. Interesuje się szeroko rozumianą aktywnością zawodową dorosłych oraz młodzieży, funkcjonowaniem pokoleń na rynku pracy, projektowaniem karier oraz poradnictwem całożyciowym. Współpracuje ze szkołami na różnych poziomach edukacyjnych oraz  instytucjami rynku pracy, realizującymi działania z zakresu poradnictwa całożyciowego, doradztwa edukacyjno-zawodowego dla młodzieży. Jest autorką rozwiązań metodycznych we wskazanym zakresie.


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How to Cite
Wawrzonek, A. (2021). The Need for Counselling Support for Youth at Risk. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 20(55), 85-94.