Criminal Liability of Juveniles in France and Poland. Legal and Pedagogical Remarks
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main aim of the article is to compare solutions regarding the crimi‑
nal liability of minors in France and Poland, taking into account the factors influencing the assess‑
ment of the juvenile’s situation and education in conditions of penalty.
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem was formulated in the
form of a question: how was the issue of criminal liability of juveniles regulated in French and Polish
legislation. The current legal provisions, views of the doctrine, the jurisprudence of courts in the
field of juvenile criminal law were analyzed.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Both the basic notions for making analysis and prereq‑
uisites conditioning the criminal liability of juveniles have been defined, as well, while considering
their importance in the pedagogical dimension.
RESEARCH RESULTS: The French model assumes the criminal liability of minors based on the
criterion of discernment without specifying the lower age limit of criminal liability. The Polish model
provides for the criminal liability of minors in exceptional situations. In both countries, the prior prin‑
ciple is to take activities aimed at bringing up minors.
the education of juveniles, but they differentiate the legal situation of a juvenile. The adoption of
a specific concept of dealing with juveniles affects the measures used, the institutional conditions
of pedagogical work. The overall assessment of the minor and his/her situation should play an im‑
portant role.
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