Axiological Aspects of Spirituality of Young Europeans

Keywords: spirituality, axiology, Christian values, test of free verbal associations, Europeans


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to recreate the ways of understanding Christian values as one of the aspects of spirituality, established in the linguistic consciousness of young Europeans – Poles, Russians and Germans.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem was formulated as questions: What are the Christian values today for young European citizens? Are they equally important for the followers of Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism and do they carry identical content and messages for them? In order to obtain linguistic data, a psycholinguistic research tool was used – the test of free verbal associations to stimulus-words wartości chrześcijańskie, christliche Werte, xристианские ценности. The method of concept profiling, worked out on the basis of cognitive linguistics, and the frequency analysis method were used to analyze the empirical material.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The argumentation begins with the justification of the choice of the problem of Christian values and showing the specificity of the essence of spirituality and its relations with axiology. Then, the methodology of collecting and analyzing linguistic data was presented. The third part discusses the results of the free verbal association test and conclusions.

RESEARCH RESULTS: In the opinion of the respondents, the Christian values are mainly hidden by the ideas contained in the Decalogue, followed by the generally understood morality. They are symbolized by the cross, the Bible and the icons.  In the linguistic consciousness of the German and Polish respondents, the evaluation of Christian values is rather negative, the Russian respondents have an ambivalent attitude towards them.

 CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIOS: C The exploration of the associative fields shows that the profiles of Christian values differ both in the degree of complexity, saturation and frequency, and in linguistic shape, as well, revealing, however, the similarity in the semantic range delineated by associations.


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How to Cite
Rodziewicz, B. (2022). Axiological Aspects of Spirituality of Young Europeans. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(58), 103-112.