A Model of Multidimensional Positive Prevention as an Example of Measures to Support the Spiritual Development of Children and Adolescents

Keywords: model of multidimensional, positive prevention noetic and spiritual dimension of existence, the concept of a multidimensional human being, prophylactic program “Support of the Manysided Development of Youth”, children, youth


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to present a model of multidimensional posi‑
tive prevention as an example of measures that can support the spiritual development of children
and adolescents.
RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem focuses on finding an answer
to the question whether and how the model of multidimensional positive prevention can support the
spiritual development of children and adolescents, and what practical implications can be drawn
from the theoretical and empirical assumptions of the model. The author uses the analytical-syn‑
thetic method, based on the selected literature on the subject.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: On the basis of the literature on the subject, the author
analyzes the noetic and spiritual dimension of existence showing its significance for constructing
effective preventive activity. Theoretical and empirical assumptions of the model of multidimensional
positive prevention are also presented.
RESEARCH RESULTS: The conducted analyzes indicates that the model of multidimensional
positive prevention assumes designing the preventive activities supporting the development of pro‑
tective factors in all dimensions of existence. At the same time, it focuses on its noetic and spiritual
dimension, what is particularly important in
the case of children and adolescents from dysfunctional and pathological families.
positive prevention is a comprehensive construct that comprises theoretical and empirical assump‑
tions, on the basis of which prevention programmes can be designed to support the spiritual devel‑
opment of children and adolescents. The designation of the model in pedagogical practice is the
prevention programme “Support for the Multidimensional Development of Youth,”The empirical assumptions
of the model enable to designe programmes in the area of universal and selective prevention. The
students of educational institutions, special education centres and juvenile care facilities can be
the potential recipients of these programmes.


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How to Cite
Jarosz, K. (2022). A Model of Multidimensional Positive Prevention as an Example of Measures to Support the Spiritual Development of Children and Adolescents. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(58), 79-89. https://doi.org/10.35765/hw.2022.2158.09