The Culture of the Words as an Element of the Spiritual Culture of the Family – the Selected Contemporary Contexts

Keywords: words culture, family spiritual culture, relationships, communication, dialogue


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to consider contemporary culture of the words in the family, that is the foundation of the spiritual family culture and intra-family relationships, which, in turn, appear to be a model of references and relations between the child and the surrounding world and with others, as well.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: A research problem was posed: how the words, which are the elements of spiritual family culture, are presented nowadays in this environment and how do they shape relationships. The method of analysis and synthesis of the subjective literature was used and an overview of selected studies was done.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article focuses on the dimension of the spiritual family culture. Among its essential elements related to upbringing there are “the words.” The words’ culture is present in the form of interactions between people at different levels and in different areas of family life. It determines the quality of existence and development of individual members of the family and the family seen as an entity.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The words in the context of family life are considered as one of the basic factors influ‑ encing the development of love and proximity, as well as mutual relationships and tie. Word’s cul‑ ture includes verbal and non-verbal communication and the “written word.” Its quality depends on family members. Contemporary threats to “words” is the development of new media, where the picture (visually) dominates.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The words are one of the most common means which culture applies; they can support or stop human development. Therefore, it ought to become the object of contemporary man’s concern. The family plays an important role here, that is revealed in introducing words into the world, teaching ways of communication, where dialogue plays role.


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How to Cite
Błasiak, A. (2022). The Culture of the Words as an Element of the Spiritual Culture of the Family – the Selected Contemporary Contexts. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 21(58), 23-32.