Routine, tact, and disciple as components of the subject’s identity in the context of its corporeality

Keywords: routine, tact, discipline, carnality, identity


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE : Deliberations on identity of the subject first of allrefer to difficulties in trying to define to notion itself and the identity of the subject in the context of his corporeality.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEMS AND METHODS: The literature analysis method. The word identity may be defined as identicality  at a given time and place . The problem of identity is analyzed  on the social plan.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The text presents the definitions of the concepts used, the theoretical foundations and historical outline. 

RESEARCH RESULTS: When describing the identity of a subject from the socjological, psychological and biological perspective, we come to the conclusion that while the brain is responsible for our mental life, it is neither the only nor sufficient condition of awareness and self-awareness. It is pointed out that the features which constitute identity are rationality, self-awareness, coherence and stability. The problem of identity analyzed on the narrative, linguistic and social plane also calls for assertions made on the ethical plane. The contemporary discourse on identity most often emphasizes its changeability, instability, and its Protean nature.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMRNDATIONS: In the analyzes presented in this article, the concept of identification is emphasized, replacing the word identity, because it is more operational and coexists with the concept of social ties, community of interests and the common good. In the proposed understanding, identification is also the result of the concepts of corporeality, routine, tact and discipline analyzed in the text


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How to Cite
Drabarek, A. (2023). Routine, tact, and disciple as components of the subject’s identity in the context of its corporeality. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(62), 85-94.
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