Managing the Organizational Culture of Educational Institutions

Keywords: organizational culture, educational institution, management, pedagogical concepts, directors


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of the article is to present in detail the tools and methods of shaping organizational culture and to describe the elements of organizational culture in educational institutions.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article attempts to answer the question that has not been sufficiently explored in the literature so far: how the management of educational institutions can shape organizational culture through the skillful use of strategic planning and conscious management of the elements of organizational culture. The article uses the method of analysing found documents.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The introduction to the article describes the phenomenon of organizational culture by presenting the most important definitions and typologies of organizational cultures. The main part refers to the management of organizational culture as strategic management, while the scientific analysis presents the elements of organizational culture along with the tools that allow directors to shape the organizational culture of educational institutions.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Operational management of educational institutions should be replaced by strategic management. Directors, in order to shape an organization that is competitive and meets the needs of customer, should consciously use the elements of organizational culture to make educational institutions organizations that are effective and responsive to the needs of the environment.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The management style of the director is linked to the preferred type of organizational culture. Executives of educational institutions should be aware of the mechanisms for influencing employees, customers and the local environment in order to create a consistent and competitive, yet authentic brand for the institution. This requires the implementation of training courses or the inclusion of issues related to organizational culture in the curriculum for managers of educational institutions.


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How to Cite
Kinal, M. (2023). Managing the Organizational Culture of Educational Institutions. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(63), 131-141.