Context of Construction of the Idea of Free Will on the Basis of the Psychobiographies of Skinner, Fromm and Rogers

Keywords: determinism, free will, psychobiography, carnality, nurture


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this article was to analyze the development of the concept of (free) will in works of Burrhus F. Skinner, Erich S. Fromm and Carl R. Rogers – three researchers who restored the consideration of will in both American and world psychology in the 20th century.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: A research shows possible factors influencing the development of ideas of will, determinism and indeterminism, as well as their relationship with the perception of man (a machine subjected to environmental control versus a living being making a conscious choice). In the analysis the authors use Theoretical Research Tool. It was based on the context of construction method, created by Kurt Danziger (1990), a representative of the New History of Psychology.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The perspective of the New History of Psychology, being an extension of Runyan’s (1992) psychobiographical method including critical psychology, made it possible to get acquainted with the concepts of Skinner, Fromm and Rogers – taking their biographies into account. The literature was subjected to an in-depth analysis, authors paid attention to the relationship between the biographies and ideas/concepts of mentioned psychologists.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The research proved that the development of the concept of will and understanding of man in the theories of Skinner, Fromm and Rogers could have been influenced by private events in their lives, such as the hermetic style of upbringing in the family home, current political situation, change of environment or traumatic experiences.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Attention was drawn to the fact that psychological theories do not arise in an axiological or biographical void, sometimes these are constructed with significant experiences of a given researcher taken into account.


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How to Cite
Wiatrowska, A., & Pankalla, A. (2023). Context of Construction of the Idea of Free Will on the Basis of the Psychobiographies of Skinner, Fromm and Rogers. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(62), 41-51.
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