Human Well-Being in the Context of Rapid Changes to the Sound Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of the sound environment on human well-being during rapid changes to the audiosphere.
THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: What changes in the audiosphere took place during the lockdown? How were they perceived by the respondents, taking into account their well- being? The research material was free-form interviews focused on the problem, with elements of expert interviews conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The research analysis focused on the respondents’ perception of changes in the audiosphere during the lockdown and the impact of these changes on their well-being. Attention was paid to the similarities and differences in the perception of the sound environment and the reasons for these differences.
RESEARCH RESULTS: All interviewees reported changes in the sound environment during the pandemic and an impact on their well-being. The intensity of changes varied, depending on the place of residence and previous lifestyle. In addition to the negative changes, there were positive ones, such as less traffic noise, more sounds of nature, and new inspiring sound phenomena. The psychological (focusing on oneself and one’s body, encouragement to meditation) and artistic (artistic inspiration) potential of the new sound environment was noted.
CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The reflective potential brought about by the changes to the audiosphere during the pandemic has not yet been used. Experiences from the pandemic can help care for the soundscape and plan possible modifications to it in order to improve people’s health and well-being. More research on functioning after returning to the previous sound environment is needed. If a similar situation is repeated, its educational and psychoeducational potential should be used.
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