The Role of Passion Combined with the Mission to Protect Humanity Reflected in the Memoirs of Ludwik Hirszfeld

Keywords: Ludwig Hirszfeld, mission, Nazi crimes, human rights, education for peace


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the analysis is to illustrate the importance of Ludwig Hirszfeld’s scientific and research passion combined with his mission to protect humanity. The topic is explored in a specific historical context, which has educational value.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The central problem of this study is the question of what is the significance of an individual who, despite the most difficult experiences, is able to overcome fear and act to protect the dignity of people subjected to dehumanization. The research methodology used was memory studies.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article discusses facts, mainly related to the time of World War II, including selected contexts from the biography of Ludwig Hirszfeld, who took on the mission of conquering hatred and contempt towards the victims of the German Nazis.

RESEARCH RESULTS: History education, along with learning about the memories of Holocaust victims, helps younger generations understand the importance of the mission to protect those at risk of losing their human rights.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Learning about those who opposed the German Nazis, and others who defended the dignity of every human being should be a subject of education for young people. This knowledge can make younger generations aware of the important role individuals can play in protecting life, which is the highest value.


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How to Cite
Józefów–Czerwińska , B. (2023). The Role of Passion Combined with the Mission to Protect Humanity Reflected in the Memoirs of Ludwik Hirszfeld. HORIZONS OF EDUCATION, 22(63), 65-75.